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Mockapetris hired as ICANN security advisor

Kevin Murphy, October 7, 2013, 08:38:59 (UTC), Domain Tech

DNS inventor Paul Mockapetris has been recruited by ICANN to act as senior security advisor to the Generic Domains Division under its president, Akram Atallah.
It’s not clear precisely what Mockapetris’ role will be, though it doesn’t appear to be a full-time position. He is still chairman and chief scientist of DNS software vendor Nominum.
ICANN recently recorded an interview with Mockapetris in which he pooh-poohed Verisign’s campaign against new gTLDs on security grounds, saying name collisions were not a new phenomenon.
It’s not the first time ICANN has hired a “name” as a security advisory.
One of the inventors of public key cryptography, Whitfield Diffie, became VP of information security under former CEO Rod Beckstom but quietly disappeared not too long after Fadi Chehade took over last year.

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Comments (2)

  1. rafik says:

    if hired by ICANN and so compensated, how he can be the chair of one the committees planned by Fadi?

  2. Kristina says:

    Rafik has an excellent point. Has anyone heard anything about the Strategy Panels since Durban? Does the “Role of ICANN in the Future of Internet Governance” have a chair? Or, has ICANN quietly dropped the Strategy Panel initiative?

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