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Donuts’ first gTLD sunrise slated for October 29

Kevin Murphy, October 11, 2013, 12:28:47 (UTC), Domain Registries

Donuts has reportedly become the first new gTLD registry to announce its first sunrise periods.
According to BrandShelter, part of the KeyDrive registrar group, nine of Donuts gTLDs will enter sunrise on October 29.
The nine are: .camera, .clothing, .equipment, .guru, .holdings, .lighting, .singles, .ventures and .voyage.
The sunrise periods will last 60 days, BrandShelter said.
I’m seeking confirmation and additional information from Donuts and will provide an update later.
UPDATE: Donuts’ Jon Nevett, in the comments, states that the dates are “estimates”.

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Comments (7)

  1. Jon Nevett says:

    All proposed launch dates are estimates and dependent on the IANA delegation process. We hope these sunrises begin before October 29.

  2. Sean says:

    I thought a registry needed to provide a 30-day notice prior to a Sunrise launch. Anyone?

  3. Graham Schreber says:

    Donuts might want to remember they’re a US based company, functioning within the law’s of the USA – not above the law – as they like to pretend.
    They might also want to do what CentralNic did, with “” and place 100% of USPTO protected marks into the same safe-zone.
    Of course CentralNic know & knew enough, to avoid an Olympic battle, when they are the architects of Induced, Contributory Infringement, aided by WIPO.
    Racketeering, demanding your “Trademark Clearinghouse” payment fees, for protection from infringers simply won’t float.
    Cheers, Graham.

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