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NamesCon ticket winners selected

Kevin Murphy, December 16, 2013, 08:36:59 (UTC), Domain Services

Over the weekend we randomly selected the five winners of free tickets to the NamesCon conference.
To enter, all you had to do was leave a comment answering the question:

What’s the best way to explain the benefits of new gTLDs to somebody from outside the domain industry?

The prizes are free conference passes to NamesCon, which runs at the Tropicana hotel in Las Vegas from January 13 to 15.
The winners were picked using the random number generator at By screen name, they are:

  1. JS
  2. Tony C
  3. Nic Steinbach
  4. Adam Strong
  5. Pat

They will be all contacted via email by DI today to arrange for ticket delivery.
Many thanks to everyone who participated. There were some interesting answers in there.

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