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CentralNic to manage’s back-end

Kevin Murphy, January 9, 2014, 14:13:27 (UTC), Domain Registries

CentralNic is going to run after all, kinda.
The two companies have signed a deal whereby CentralNic will manage the back-end registry for the forthcoming subdomain service, which domain owner Paul Goldstone launched a few months ago.
CentralNic, before it became the named back-end for 60 new gTLD applications, was known only for offering subdomains under, and many other second-level names.
Announcing the deal today, also said that it plans to hold a sunrise period in February, to be followed by a first-come first-served landrush.
It’s already offering “premium” keyword domains privately to interested parties.

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Comments (3)

  1. Mike says:

    Is it going to work? What is a potential of this quasi extension? How much money they expect to make? When you sum salaries of CO.COM executives, salaries of other staff, cost of CentralNic operation, marketing, office rental, etc… The total is way over a million of dollars each year. So if each name costs $20.00, then they need 50,000 names to be registered to cover $1mm. Does it seem to be real to you?

    • Kevin Murphy says:

      It’s quite common for registry providers to be paid primarily on a per-domain basis, so back-end costs would always scale with revenue. I don’t know if that’s what’s happening here, but I’d guess it’s something like that.

  2. Andrew says:

    Let’s hope Centralnic have a decent contract in place this time:

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