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Trademark Clearinghouse using .uno to plug new gTLDs to Spanish markets

Kevin Murphy, January 24, 2014, 17:58:12 (UTC), Domain Registries

New gTLD registry Dot Latin has scored an early anchor tenant win, as the Trademark Clearinghouse has agreed to use two .uno domain names to market rights protection mechanisms in Spanish-speaking markets.
The TMCH, run by Deloitte and IBM, will use and The non-hyphenated version of the longer domain has not been delegated.
Both domains currently redirect to the Spanish-language version of the TMCH’s main .com site.
It’s a nice awareness-raising move for Dot Latin, potentially (depending on how well the TMCH markets it) getting its gTLD’s brand in front of major Spanish trademark-owning eyeballs.
The company signed its ICANN Registry Agreement in mid-September, so its 120-day waiting period before it was allowed to hand out second-level domains is already up.
The .uno sunrise period is due to end February 7.

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Comments (3)

  1. Shaul Jolles says:

    Kevin, thanks for this piece. As far as marketing, we are not waiting for TMCH to do the awareness, we don’t have time for that. We are targeting brands ourselves with TMCH’s Spanish video and have over 10,000 views in a few days.

  2. D. Higgins says: is not a horrible idea. Uno means “one” in spanish which means that this domain name really isnt that great a usage. Could be worse.
    The use of the hyphen in trademark-clearinghouse is amateurish. Do they really want to use that second level term? Just drop the hyphen. is light years ahead of using the hyphen. Just a suggestion.

  3. shaul Jolles says:

    @D. Higgins, the reason they have it as is that that’s their .com second level name. Our hope is that in the near future you will go to a .uno site and get the Spanish version of the exact same .com site. Add to it the availability of just using an acronym as well and they now have it all covered. All the best.

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