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Chinese “.online” beats .guru in one hour

Kevin Murphy, April 28, 2014, 14:28:08 (UTC), Domain Registries

The Chinese new gTLD .在线, which means “.online” has become the biggest new gTLD launch to date, taking tens of thousands of registrations in its first hour of general availability.
According to TLD Registry, which took .在线 and .中文网 (“.chinesewebsite”) to GA at 1300 UTC today, .在线 had 54,011 names and .中文网 had 38,838 names just one hour later.
UPDATE: These numbers were wrong.
That immediately puts .在线 at the top of the new gTLD leaderboard, a clear 1,500 names ahead of Donuts’ .guru (52,428 as of 0100 UTC), which has topped the chart for the last few months.
It took .guru, which launched January 29, 78 days to hit 50,000 names.
With its 38,838 names, .中文网 takes the number four position behind .guru and .berlin.
“As of the last minute before GA, the total number of domains in Dot Chinese Online (.在线) totalled 9,803, and the total number of domains in Dot Chinese Website (.中文网) totalled 8,623,” TLD Registry marketing director Simon Cousins told DI, citing numbers provided by back-end provider Afilias.
The company had allocated 20,452 names, split evenly between the two TLDs, to the Chinese government.
It also auctioned off several dozen names with Sedo at an event in Macau last month.
One of these, a real estate site at 房地产.在线, which means “” has already gone live.

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Comments (4)

  1. And TLD Registry is very proud to report that the first super-premium Dot Chinese Online website went live around one hour ago: “” in Chinese is live at http://房地产.在线

  2. Mike says:

    Are the 20,000 names presold included in your 1 hour total?

  3. Both Jeff and I from .CLUB have had the opportunity to travel through China with the TLDRegistry folks on two separate occasions. We have met with registrars, done television interviews, joint marketing and drank a lot of Chinese beer.
    Its quite a story!
    Nice Job Arto, Simon, Pinky and the rest of the team!

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