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Iron Mountain beds another registry

Kevin Murphy, August 10, 2010, 15:16:22 (UTC), Domain Registries

Iron Mountain puts itself about a bit, doesn’t it?
The company has signed a co-referral deal with wannabe new top-level domain registry operator UrbanBrain. The deal appears identical to one it inked with Central Registry Solutions in May.
Under these deals, Iron Mountain will refer potential TLD applicants to UrbanBrain (or CRS) and the registries will refer their clients to Iron Mountain for data escrow services.
The press releases don’t make it clear under what circumstances clients will be referred to UrbanBrain versus CRS, but given UrbanBrain is Japanese it could be along geographical lines.
Again, I ask: who benefits most?
My guess is still Iron Mountain, which has already got a pretty tight grip on the ICANN-mandated data escrow market. I can’t see it sending as much traffic to the registries as it receives.

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Comments (1)

  1. Jim Fleming says:

    What happens when the “escrow” is built into .NET ?
    Why is everything in the DNS arena so 1960s ? Big Iron ?
    Are people still running on VAX 11/780s ?

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