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GAC elects Swiss rep as new chair

Kevin Murphy, October 14, 2014, 19:55:43 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee has elected Thomas Schneider of the Swiss government as its new chair.
The unprecedented, one-nation-one-vote secret ballot election at the ICANN 51 public meeting in Los Angeles today saw Schneider beat Lebanon’s Imad Hoballah by 61 votes to 37.
He will take over from Canadian incumbent Heather Dryden at the end of the week.
Schneider is deputy head of international affairs at the Swiss Federal Office of Communications (Ofcom).
He currently serves as one of the GAC’s three vice chairs.
The election was overseen by the Australian Continuous Improvement Group, which provides the GAC with ICANN-independent secretariat services.

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