ICANN 53 will be in Buenos Aires
ICANN has picked Buenos Aires, Argentina, for its 53rd public meeting.
The choice of city was approved by the ICANN board late last week.
The meeting will be held June 21-25 next year, sandwiched between February’s return to Singapore and October’s first foray into Dublin.
The BA venue has not been disclosed yet, but it’s possible ICANN will return to the Sheraton hotel and convention center.
It’s the third time ICANN has held one of its public meetings in Argentina. It visited BA last year for ICANN 48 and the sleepy seaside town of Mar Del Plata in 2005.
Having attended both previous meetings, I’ve discovered that it’s possible for a vegetarian to quickly become seriously malnourished in Argentina, so it’s quite likely DI’s coverage of ICANN 53 will heavily leverage the excellent remote participation facilities.
BA’s great if you love steak, however.
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There are vegan and raw vegan places in the city, but usually not at walking distance from the convention centers, where you will only find “asado” everywhere.
The Sheraton BA is blocked out (no rooms available) for the meeting dates, as are several nice hotels right by the Sheraton. So I think it’s safe to make bookings close by.