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DomainFest to hold one-day event this June

Kevin Murphy, April 30, 2015, 10:56:35 (UTC), Domain Sales

DomainFest is heading to Bulgaria for a special one-day conference a little over a month from now.
NamesCon, which now owns the DomainFest brand, plans to hold the event June 3 at the Kempinski Hotel Marinela in Sofia.
It will be sandwiched between the fifth annual DomainForum — June 1-2 in Varna and Ruse — and EuroDIG — and internet governance conference June 4-5 also at the Kempinski.
The focus of the event appears to be very much on the domain investment side of the industry.
Tickets for DomainFest will be €125 ($140) on the door, but can be acquired for the early-bird price of €49 until the end of April (that is, today). Dinner costs another €40.
DomainForum, as ever, will be free to attend.
The schedule, which has not yet been finalized, can be found here. Tickets for DomainFest and DomainForum can be obtained here.
DI may attend.

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Comments (1)

  1. Thanks for spreading the word, Kevin. We’re hoping you will join us there!

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