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Recent Posts hacked, 93,000 cards stolen

Kevin Murphy, August 19, 2015, 08:52:43 (UTC), Domain Registrars

The credit card details of 93,000 customers have been stolen by hackers.
The name, address and credit card number of the affected customers were accessed. The verification numbers (from the back of the cards) were not stolen. said the attack was discovered August 13 and has been reported to the proper authorities.
Network Solutions and, its leading registrar businesses, were not affected, the company said.
It has 3.3 million customers. Those whose details were stolen have been emailed and will receive a letter in the mail.
The company said it will provide affected customers with a year of free credit monitoring.

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Comments (3)

  1. JZ says:

    I like how they say what wasn’t affected but not what was…hopefully not snapnames.

  2. Snap Names was not impacted by this incident.

  3. jhon says:

    Snapnames and were also afected but at a lower step, that is why they have not made that clear.
    Jhon Cusas –

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