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Nominet to release ultra-short .uk domains this year

Kevin Murphy, September 13, 2010, 19:03:42 (UTC), Domain Registries

Nominet, the .uk registry, today outlined its plan to start releasing one and two-character domains before the end of 2010.
The launch plan comprises two sunrise periods and a landrush. Contested applications in all three phases will be settled by an auction, with profits going to the Nominet Trust.
The first sunrise is for holders of UK-enforceable trademarks, when the mark was registered and in use in the UK before January 1, 2008. The second will allow holders of unregistered rights to participate.
The landrush will be open to all. Applications will be handled by approved .uk registrars.
Nominet said it plans to publish the launch timeline in more detail on November 1, but that the first sunrise will open before the end of the year.
The list of names to be released is published here (pdf). It includes all 10 digits and all 26 letters of the alphabet under,, and, with the exception of, which is already registered.
The vast majority of two-character combinations will also be released under all four of these 2LDs, with the exception of a handful of old registrations such as and existing 3LD namespaces such as
Domains matching existing two-letter country-code TLDs do not appear to be exempt.

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Comments (8)

  1. Good news that they will be auctioned off and that first come, first served rule will not be applied in this case.

  2. fizz says:

    That is going to be a huge auction!
    “…UK-enforceable trademarks, when the mark was registered and in use in the UK before January 1, 2008.”
    — that’s going to cut off at the pass those who would otherwise hastily cobble together TMs to get in on the sunrise, as in the .eu situation.

  3. […] decision to hold a sunrise – actually it’s planning two – is quite unusual. Other TLDs that have […]

  4. […] applying for short, and domains under Nominet’s recently closed sunrise period are household […]

  5. […] which oversees the .uk namespace, will begin releasing one and two character third level .uk domain names later this […]

  6. […] Nominet to release ultra-short .uk domainname this year […]

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