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GoDaddy grows domain revs 10% in Q1

Kevin Murphy, May 5, 2016, 18:49:12 (UTC), Domain Registries

GoDaddy reported its first quarter numbers last night, which including an almost 10% increase in revenue from domain names.
The market-leading registrar reported a net loss of $18.3 million, smaller than the $43.4 million a year ago, on total revenue of $433.7 million, up 15.3%.
It broke out its revenue from domain names as $218.9 million, up 9.9% on Q1 2015.
Hosting-related services and business applications grew 14.4% and 47.4% respectively, to $160.4 million and $54.4 million.
The company raised its revenue expectations for the year to a range of $1.83 billion to $1.845 billion.

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