eNom to crack down on fake pharma sites
Demand Media is to tighten security at its domain registrar arm, eNom, after bad press blighted its recent IPO announcement.
The company has signed a deal with fake pharmacy watchdog LegitScript, following allegations that eNom sometimes turns a blind eye to illegal activity on its customers’ domains.
The news emerged in the company’s amended S-1 registration statement (large HTML file), filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday. New text reads:
We recently entered into an agreement with LegitScript, LLC, an Internet pharmacy verification and monitoring service recognized by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, to assist us in identifying customers who are violating our terms of service by operating online pharmacies in violation of U.S. state or federal law.
LegitScript will provide eNom with a regularly updated list of domain names selling fake pharma, so the registrar can more efficiently turn them off. The companies have also agreed to work together on research into illegal online pharmacies.
Surrounding text has also been modified to clarify that eNom is not required, under ICANN rules, to turn off domains that are being used to conduct illegal activity.
This is a bit of a PR win for the small security outfits KnuJon and HostExploit, firms which had used the occasion of Demand’s S-1 filing to give eNom a good kicking in the tech and financial press.
HostExploit reported last month that eNom was statistically the “worst” registrar as far as illegal content goes.
ICANN executives are reportedly going to be hauled to Washington DC at the end of the month to explain the problem of fake pharma to the White House.
Registries and registrars have also been invited, and I’d be surprised if eNom is not among them.
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Enom is pidoras absolutely, huh?
[…] eNom to crack down on fake pharma sites […]
[…] Fake Pharma, Malware, and BotNets, oh my! Some ho-bags become shockingly ugly when exposed to the harsh light of public disclosure. The horror! […]
[…] Knujon report published in May, and others, eventually led to eNom in particular promising to crack down harder on rogue pharmacies. Related posts (automatically generated):Go Daddy proposes fake pharma site […]