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Registrar CEO faces terrorism charges

Kevin Murphy, August 16, 2016, 14:56:28 (UTC), Domain Registrars

The CEO of Turkey’s largest registrar is facing terrorism charges in the wake of last month’s coup attempt in the country, according to reports.
Abdullah Büyük of Istanbul-based FBS was deported from Bulgaria last Wednesday, according to local reports, having overstayed his visa.
Büyük went to Bulgaria last year and Turkey had unsuccessfully tried to get him extradited earlier this year.
Turkey’s Erdogan government, which has arrested thousands of people since the July 15 attempted coup, claims Büyük is a supporter of US-based exiled cleric Fethullah Gülen.
Turkey claims that Gulen is behind a terrorist group called FETÖ, which it believes carried out the attack.
Buyuk is reportedly an open supporter of Gulen, but it’s not entirely clear from English-language reports out there what he’s accused of doing.
I suspect it’s probably unrelated to domain names.
The decision to hand over Buyuk to Turkish authorities has proved controversial in Bulgaria, where some suspect it was a political gesture related to Europe’s migrant crisis.
FBS is believed to be Turkey’s largest registrar, with just shy of 600,000 domain names under management.

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Comments (2)

  1. Richard Funden says:

    Coming up:
    “Registrar-terrorist link proven!” in various industry blogs

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