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ICANN chair paid $114,000 last year

Kevin Murphy, July 13, 2017, 20:53:56 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN chair Steve Crocker was paid $114,203.24 in the organization’s last tax year.
The number was released today (pdf) in response to a request by domain blogger John Poole of
Poole had requested the figures because Crocker is paid via his company, Shinkuro, rather than directly, so his compensation does not show up on ICANN’s published tax returns.
It was already known that ICANN’s chair is eligible for $75,000 a year in salary, but today’s letter, from CFO Xavier Calvez, states that he also received $39,203.24 for office rent (about $3,250 per month) in the year ended June 30 2016.
This does not include his travel reimbursements and such, which came to well over $100,000 in the same fiscal year according to ICANN disclosures.
If Crocker were on ICANN staff, he would be the 18th most costly employee, even if you do include the extra reimbursements.
Other ICANN directors receive $45,000 per year.
Calvez said ICANN will update its disclosure process to make it clearer how much Crocker is paid via Shinkuro.


Comments (2)

  1. Bruce Tonkin says:

    Note that directors “may” receive US $45,000. Not all directors take up that entitlement.

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