Another auDA director quits after conflict claims
Australian ccTLD manager auDA has lost its second director in two week with the resignation of Michaella Richards, announced today.
Richards’ position had been subject to criticism by disgruntled auDA members.
It had been speculated that her appointment to the board last December was less due to her experience in the domain industry, reportedly lacking, than due to her friendship with CEO Cameron Boardman.
The two had worked together in the Victorian state government, as DomainPulse uncovered.
Richards had been appointed a “demand class” director, meaning it was her role to represent domain buyers, rather than registrars, on the board. But critics doubted her credentials in this regard.
No reason was given for her resignation today. auDA simply said:
The auDA Board is seeking nominations, including from its demand class membership, for the Demand Class Director casual vacancy resulting from the resignation of Dr Michaella Richards.
Richards follows chairman Stuart Benjamin, who resigned at the end of July just a few days members were due to vote on an motion to oust him.
auDA has in recent weeks reversed its positions on a number of controversial policies after member outcries.
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