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ICANN shifts dates on five public meetings to avoid holidays

Kevin Murphy, October 25, 2017, 11:35:19 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN has changed the proposed dates of five out of nine forthcoming public meetings in order to avoid clashes with religious festivals and national holidays.
The meetings affected — ICANNs 70 through 78 — are all scheduled for 2021, 2022 and 2023 and naturally don’t have any venue selected yet, so nobody is going to have to change any travel plans.
The biggest shift will see the usual October meeting in 2022 moved a full month earlier to September due to a clash with the Jewish holiday Sukkot and its subsequent holy days.
Ramadan in 2023 will see the March meeting moved a week earlier.
Midsummer, something celebrated mainly in Sweden and neighboring countries, will see the June meetings in all three years moved back a week.
Interestingly, a clash with Midsummer was highlighted as a selling point of the Helsinki meeting a couple of years ago. ICANN’s latest CEO, a Swede, is no doubt more sensitive to the cultural significance of the holiday.
The changes were all made in response to comments from the At-Large Advisory Committee and the Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group.
The list of changes and rationale can be found here (pdf).
ICANN’s latest meeting, ICANN 60, kicks off in Abu Dhabi this weekend.

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