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InternetNZ loses two of its three CEOs as it simplifies

Kevin Murphy, December 5, 2017, 18:13:16 (UTC), Domain Registries

InternetNZ has announced the results of a consultation into a restructuring of the organization.
The .nz ccTLD manager is to cut one of its three operating companies and reduce the number of CEOs from three to one.
NZRS, which actually runs the registry, will be folded into InternetNZ, while policy-setting body Domain Name Commission Ltd will remain a separate company in the same group.
Jordan Carter, CEO of the company since 2013, has been picked to carry on leading InternetNZ and to chair the board of DNCL, which is losing three of its 12 seats.
The company threw open the idea of a restructuring back in June, noting that it had 20 governors, three CEOs and 10 senior executives for the 35 full time employees across the three organisations
InternetNZ leadership said in a statement that they hope the changes will help the registry become more effective as it simplifies.

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