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Bezsonoff replaces Kaine at Neustar

Kevin Murphy, January 10, 2018, 13:43:20 (UTC), Domain Registries

.CO Internet alum Nicolai Bezsonoff has replaced Sean Kaine as head of Neustar’s domain name business.
Neustar today announced that Bezsonoff has been appointed VP and general manager of the Registry Solutions business.
That’s Kaine’s old job. I hear he’s leaving the company of his own volition, but I don’t know where he’s going.
Bezsonoff was in a similar role in the Security Solutions division.
He joined Neustar when it acquired Colombian ccTLD registry .CO, where he was COO and co-founder, for $109 million almost four years ago.
The announcement comes just a few weeks after it was announced that Afilias is to take over the running of Australia’s 3.1 million-name ccTLD .au, one of Neustar’s marquee tenants.

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