Nominet to charge brands for no-name Whois access
Nominet has become the second major registry to announce that trademark lawyers will have to pay for Whois after the EU General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect next month.
The company said late last week that it will offer the intellectual property community two tiers of Whois access.
First, they can pay for a searchable Whois with a much more limited output.
Nominet said that “users of the existing Searchable WHOIS who are not law enforcement will continue to have access to the service on a charged-for basis however the registrant name and address will be redacted”.
Second, they can request the full Whois record (including historical data) for a specific domain and get a response within one business day for no charge.
Approved law enforcement agencies will continue to get unfettered access to both services — with “enhanced output” for the searchable Whois — for no charge, Nominet said.
These changes were decided upon following a month-long consultation which accepted comments from interested parties.
Other significant changes incoming include:
- Scrapping UK-presence requirements for second-level registrations.
- Doing away with the current privacy services framework, offloading GDPR liability to registrars providing such services.
- Creating a standard opt-in mechanism for registrants who wish for their personal data to be disclosed in public Whois.
Nominet is the second registry I’m aware of to say it will charge brand owners for Whois access, after CoCCA 10 days ago.
CoCCA has since stated that it will sell IP owners a PDF containing the entire unredacted Whois history of a domain for $3, if they declare that they have a legitimate interest in the domain.
It also said they will be able to buy zone file access to the dozens of TLDs running on the CoCCA platform for $88 per TLD.
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