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CIRA has a record year for regs

Kevin Murphy, May 8, 2018, 16:49:41 (UTC), Domain Registries

Canadian ccTLD registry CIRA says its fiscal 2018 was its best year yet for new .ca registrations.
The company today said it registered 537,941 names in the year to the end of March.
Its previous record, from its FY12, was 511,900.
Its current total domains under management was 2,736,980, an all-time high, the company said in a press release.
CIRA has a Canadians-only reg policy, which reduces the impact of foreign speculation.

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Comments (3)

  1. MapleDots says:

    It was also a banner year for .ca drops
    The numbers would look quite different if the drops were subtracted from the registrations.

    • Dtagr says:

      The numbers would look VERY different without the extended registrar sales prices – $1.99-$3.99. There were names I handregged at those prices that I would not have at regular rates. 20-30 of them anyway. Those sales have given the illusion that the extension is healthier than it might really be.
      I think the drops are going to increase. As the names under registration crest 3,000,000 I would expect the drops to creep towards 9-10k per week regularly. Also some of the original .ca’rs are well into their 60’s and 70’s, if they don’t have a plan for their demise then large portfolios will starting hitting the drops,like we have seen earlier this spring.

      • MapleDots says:

        I know I bought 200 at $2 each but I sold ten at very good margins so I will probably renew the majority of them.
        I do think it’s a healthy extension and very widely used by businesses but the focus should not be on numbers. With Canada’s population it can never be in .com or even .net territory so I think we should take the focus off registration numbers and focus on reporting how many viable businesses are actually using a .ca for commerce.

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