It’s Drazek vs Dammak for GNSO Council chair
The chair of ICANN’s Generic Names Supporting Organization Council is contested this year, with a registry veep facing off against a software engineer.
The nomination from the contracted parties house is US-based Keith Drazek, Verisign’s VP of policy and government relations.
He’ll be opposed by non-contracted parties nominee and current vice-chair Rafik Dammak, a Tunisian working as a software engineer for NTT Communications (which is technically a contracted party due its dot-brand gTLD) in Japan.
Both men are long-time, active members of the ICANN community and GNSO.
The Council will pick its new chair about a month from now at the ICANN 63 meeting in Barcelona.
The winner will replace lawyer Heather Forrest, the non-contracted party who took the seat after an unopposed vote a year ago.
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