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.eu domains to be sold to non-residents

Kevin Murphy, December 10, 2018, 08:28:11 (UTC), Domain Registries

In a few years, you’ll no longer have to live in the European Union in order to buy a .eu domain name.
Residency requirements are to be dropped under new regulations approved by the European Parliament, Council and European Commission last week.
When the new rules come into effect — not expected until April 2023 — EU citizens based anywhere in the world will be able register .eu domains.
It’s not entirely clear how EURid, the current registry, will determine eligibility at point of sale, but I guess they have plenty of time to think about it.
Notably, the proposed new Regulation will shift oversight of .eu from one based on EU regulations to one based on a contract between the Commission and the registry operator.
It is hoped that this will give EURid the flexibility to more rapidly change its business model in future, merely having to agree upon a contract change rather than waiting for the EU institutions to chug through their lengthy legislative processes.

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Comments (2)

  1. Sawping says:

    I think its Good Decision for .Eu

  2. Hal O'Brien says:

    Surely the most humo(u)rous domain using .EU is the pro-Brexit,, which is advertised on the sides of buses in the UK.

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