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NameJet to auction three-letter .pro domains

Kevin Murphy, October 25, 2010, 12:50:23 (UTC), Domain Sales

NameJet has inked a deal with RegistryPro to auction off eleven “premium” three-letter .pro domain names next month.
The domains themselves have not yet been revealed, but the auction is scheduled to kick off November 19, according to a press release today.
RegistryPro, a subsidiary of HostWay, received the the right to start selling previously-restricted one-, two- and three-character .pro domains from ICANN in May 2009.
This June, it allocated nine such domains, including and, via an RFP process.
After it has finished auctioning off its selected short domains, the company plans to put the remainder back into the pool for first-come, first-served registrations.

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Comments (3)

  1. Ben says:

    We are selling our .Pro domains:

  2. kerry says:

    The 3 letter auction is now listing the domains available., and are among them. Seems like .pro sales have been heating up with recent sales like selling for 14K.
    check the facts on .pros!

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