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GoDaddy girls often make more money than the men

Kevin Murphy, December 12, 2019, 18:51:36 (UTC), Domain Registrars

Women in some roles at GoDaddy are making more money than their male counterparts, according to data released by the registrar today.
In technical positions in the US, female employees are making on average $1.03 for every $1 men make, GoDaddy said. Women in leadership positions make two cents more than men.
But women in non-techie, non-leadership jobs make a penny less than males, the company said.
“The 2019 global salary data shows that GoDaddy is paying men and women at parity across the company, when comparing men and women in like roles,” GoDaddy said.
The new data also shows that 29% of GoDaddy employees globally are female, which is the same as last year.
But the proportion of women in technical jobs decreased by two points to 17%.
Meanwhile, 36% of non-technical roles are staffed by women, up one point from 2018.
In the US, the female contingent was a little higher — 30% overall, 19% of techies and 37% of non-techies.
The male-female mix at GoDaddy appears to be in the same ballpark as what we generally see with attendance statistics coming out of ICANN meetings — roughly 70/30.
GoDaddy started publishing this data five years ago as part of a plan to foster diversity, reduce unconscious bias, and generally get away from its roguish foundational image as a company that flogged millions of domains with “GoDaddy Girls” — usually busty spokesmodels in skimpy clothing.

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Comments (4)

  1. Owen says:

    You might want to update the headline to read “women” instead of “girls”. Just slightly biased…

  2. Ciera Hutson says:

    Wow. This article. It’s just wrong- let me count the ways….

    • Peter M says:

      For all of us old dinosaurs (I am early 60s), I would welcome your list for clarity of what I might do wrong if I had written a piece like this.

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