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ICANN gets a new European chief

Kevin Murphy, January 14, 2020, 12:02:27 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN has moved long-time head of North America stakeholder engagement Chris Mondini to head up the organization’s European office.
Mondini will take over the role of vice president of stakeholder engagement for Europe and will also become managing director of the Brussels office.
He replaces Jean-Jacques Sahel, who quit to join Google’s Asia policy team a few months ago.
As attendees at ICANN’s recent Montreal meeting may recall, American Mondini speaks (to my ear) pretty decent French, which will no doubt come in handy after he crosses the pond.
He will continue to lead Global Business Engagement initiatives worldwide and will continue to report to senior VP Sally Costerton.
Mondini has been with ICANN for over eight years, having joined during the Beckstrom years in 2011.

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