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Brazil to launch domains for detectives, librarians and geologists

Kevin Murphy, July 16, 2020, 10:35:51 (UTC), Domain Registries

Bucking the worldwide trend for major ccTLDs to simplify their namespaces, Brazil is poised to launch another dozen new third-level domain options. said last week that it will launch five open spaces and seven more dedicated to specific professions.

The open zones include and, aping two fairly successful Google-owned gTLDs, as well as (for “logistics”), (for “security”) and (for “technology”).

The profession-specific ones are for librarians, for designers, for detectives, for nurses, for chefs, for geologists and for sales reps.

.br is already probably the most taxonomical of all the ccTLDs, with an eye-watering 130 3LD options, including over 40 profession-specific spaces, available.

Prices for .br domains are BRL 40 ($7.45) a year. The 12 new options become available July 20.

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Comments (3)

  1. Symon Rhuano says:

    Regarding the extension, it was created based on the opinion of society.

    According to my comment in your post:

    We launched the B-R.APP Project (We were unable to use BR.APP, as it belongs to Warner), which encouraged and promoted the creation of the extension and we even managed to subscribe to 877 startups. is important, as Brazil is one of the most connected countries on the Internet, and according to research by CETIC.BR (department of NIC.BR), the number of companies using social networks and apps has increased, meanwhile the number of sites has declined and most small and medium business sites are static sites.

  2. Unlike the French or Germans, who can be found venturing out beyond their respective ccTLDs, especially when they find themselves outside of their home countries, the Brazilians are highly parochial when it comes to limiting themselves to the .BR name space. This makes .BR 3LDs more practical and valuable than most other ccTLDs.

    • Rubens Kuhl says:

      With something like 85% share of domains in all TLDs registered by Brazilians, that’s an accurate description of .BR automatism.

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