GoDaddy’s female geeks make a bit more than men
Women working at GoDaddy in technology roles on average make a penny more on the dollar than their male counterparts, but their bosses don’t fare nearly as well, according to the company’s latest published diversity data.
The market-leading registrar said last week that on average across the company globally, women make the same amount as men in like roles, but the female techies make $1.01 for every $1.00 the men make.
But women in leadership roles make $0.95 for every dollar made by than their male counterparts, the company said.
Comparable data for 2019 was not available.
However, in its native US, GoDaddy is paying women a penny more on average across all roles, up one cent on the 2019 data.
The reverse trend was true of female employees in leadership roles in the US, where they made $0.95 on the dollar in 2020, compared to $1.02 in the previous year.
In tech, the ratio approached parity, with women getting $1.01 on the dollar, compared to $1.03 in 2019.
Women make up 30% of GoDaddy employees, 33% of leadership, but only 19% of techies, the report says. Those are all slight improvements on 2019.
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