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NameSilo says it’s growing too fast to be acquired

Kevin Murphy, August 31, 2021, 16:30:37 (UTC), Domain Registrars

NameSilo Technologies has called off talks to sell its registrar, also called NameSilo, saying the company is growing too fast to exit right now.

The Canadian company grew its domains under management by 578,000 between April 2020 and April this year, when it stood at 3.9 million domains. It says it has since crossed 4.3 million.

The prospective deal, with Dutch acquisition vehicle WGH Holdings was announced last December.

But NameSilo’s CEO Paul Andreola said in a press release:

We believe that the value of Namesilo has grown significantly since the discussions with the prospective buyer began and feel that there is more value to be unlocked over the near to medium term for shareholders.

At the same time, the company reported revenue of $8.4 million for the second quarter, up $900,000 on the same period last year, with adjusted EBITDA of $435,344.

Bookings were up to $9.9 million from $7.6 million.

It was the company’s debt that first spurred acquisition talks. NameSilo says that debt has been reduced from $4.7 million to $3.85 million since March.

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Comments (1)

  1. Lifesavings says:

    NameSilo makes reappropriations on customers behalf.

    They took from it’s originial owner (the registrant) in order to offer it to the family of Breonna Taylor (so the story goes). The domain is now under privacy, so perhaps NameSilo is no longer the owner.

    The original owner used links for donations to various charities. I do not know if NameSilo determined those charities to be fradulant. If they were, that to me, is an acceptable reason to ‘take over’ the domain.

    For anyone that follows the story so far, I would have never donated to the charities the original website promoted. Not even if I had infinite money.

    But even IF we hated the charities, should we revoke their domain property?

    Do you think registers should determine what domains are in ‘bad taste’ then purpose them in ways they assume to gives justice?

    Under the guise of vigilante justice, the domain has been put to purpose as a forward to a

    As the future unraveled, there were no charges brought against the officers for the killing of Breanna. In light of no charges, not even a trial, we are free to imagine the killing of Breanna may have been a justified one.

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