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Abuse crackdown likely in next gTLD registrar contract

Kevin Murphy, December 20, 2022, 10:27:05 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN and its accredited registries and registrars have formally kicked off contract renegotiations designed to better tackle DNS abuse.

The aim is to create a “baseline obligation” for contracted parties to “take reasonable and appropriate action to mitigate or disrupt malicious registrations engaged in DNS Abuse”, according to recent correspondence.

This may close the loophole in the contracts identified this year that hinder ICANN Compliance’s ability to take action against registrars that turn a blind eye to abuse.

The current contracts require registrars to “take reasonable and prompt steps to investigate and respond appropriately to any reports of abuse”, which lacks clarity because there’s no agreement on what an appropriate response is.

The registries and registrars stakeholder groups (RySG and RrSG) note that there won’t be an expansion of the term “DNS abuse” to expand into web site content, nor will the talks cover Whois policy.

As is the norm for contract negotiations, they’ll be bilateral between ICANN and a select group of representative contracted parties, and conducted in private.

Talks are expected to take three to six months and the resulting amendments to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement and base Registry Agreement will be published for 30 days of public comment.

It’s been almost 10 years since the RAA was last updated.

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