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About 6,000 .au domains remain contested

Kevin Murphy, April 11, 2023, 14:44:32 (UTC), Domain Registries

Australia’s .au ccTLD has added about 25,000 direct second-level domains since the start of the year, according to auDA.

The registry said this week that it had 740,000 2LD .au names as of March. In its annual report for 2022, published in February, it said it had 716,000 at the end of the year.

auDA also revealed some statistics on its Priority Allocation Process, including the fact that some 6,000 .au domains remain unallocated because more than one registrant has staked a claim.

The process allowed registrants of third-level domains to claim their matching 2LD, but in some cases there’s a conflict because on person owns the and another owns the or

The 3LD owners have to renew their application for the matching 2LD every year or risk losing it to their rival applicant. The first renewal is due this September.

Over 450,000 contention sets have been resolved so far. There are 4.2 million .au domains registered overall.

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