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UAE boasts rapid domain growth in 2022

Kevin Murphy, May 24, 2023, 20:20:20 (UTC), Domain Registries

The United Arab Emirates reckons its ccTLD saw growth of 20% last year, crossing a landmark in the first quarter this year.

Local regulator Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) said that .ae grew by 46,000 domains in 2022 and broke through the 300,000 mark in Q1 2023.

Not the largest TLD out there, but it compares well against some countries with similar-sized populations, especially taking into account that the large majority of the UAE’s 9.2 million residents are non-citizen immigrant workers.

In the nine-million-souls ballpark, Israel has around 284,000 .il domains, Belarus has about 160,000, but Hungary has about 860,000 and Austria has over 1.5 million.

.ae is an unrestricted ccTLD in a wealthy, business-friendly country, with no local presence requirements.

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