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Gratuitous Go Daddy girl butt photo

Kevin Murphy, January 25, 2011, 17:16:15 (UTC), Gossip

Apologies to lady readers for the blatant sexism.
And apologies to discerning readers of both genders for shamelessly buying into Go Daddy’s propaganda machine.
But it is a very, very nice photograph.
Go Daddy Girl 2011
Any guesses who the new Go Daddy girl will be?
She’s almost certainly Latina. Probably Colombian, given the .CO Internet tie-in Go Daddy’s planning for the Super Bowl.
Shakira’s probably too expensive.
Mike Berkens reckons Sofia Vergara is a likely candidate, but I’ve no idea who she is because I’m British.
I’ve managed to rule out Heather Mills McCartney and Queen Latifah.

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Comments (11)

  1. Uzoma says:

    Easy, there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. andrew says:

    Not sure I’d bet on her being Colombian. Remember, .co is trying to distance itself from Colombia.

    • Kevin Murphy says:

      Good point.
      Whoever it is, it’s bound to be somebody I’ve never heard of before, just like all the other Go Daddy girls.

  3. Tia Wood says:

    That girl has no butt!

  4. Gary says:

    How gutted will you be when you find out it is Louie Spence

  5. Melodramatic says:

    Where’s the butt?

  6. Dan says:

    Love the “body”… But I think it is “disinformation” to throw everyone ‘offbase”…
    He already gave all the clues he wanted to give….

  7. Em says:

    Carmen Electra?

  8. No idea on who it is but definitely agree that it is very unlikely to be a Columbian. GoDaddy and the .co registry are trying hard to sell it as a worldwide extension and would not want to associate it with it’s ccTLD.

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