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Plug-in works around seized domains

Kevin Murphy, April 15, 2011, 10:07:56 (UTC), Domain Tech

Disgruntled coders have come up with a new Firefox plug-in to help people find piracy web sites after their domain names are seized by the authorities.
MAFIAA-Fire hooks into the browser, checking DNS queries against a list supplied by the developers, to see if the name corresponds to a seized domain.
If it does, the browser is redirected to an approved mirror. If it does not, the DNS query is handled as normal through the browser’s regular resolvers.
The plug-in was created in response to the seizure of domain names alleged to be involved in distributing bootleg movies, music and software.
The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has been sending court-ordered take-down notices to US-based registry operators such as VeriSign for the last several months.
Some sites immediately relocate to top-level domains outside of US jurisdiction. MAFIAA-Fire is designed to make the process of finding these new sites easier.
As the plug-in site acknowledges, if any fraudulent data were to make its way onto its manually-authenticated list of domains, it could cause a security problem for end users.
MAFIAA stands for “Music and Film Industry Association of America”, a corruption of RIAA and MPAA. The “Fire” suffix comes from the fact that fire melts ICE.
The plug-in, which was first reported by TorrentFreak, is hosted at a .com address.

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Comments (4)

  1. […] even a plugin specifically designed to help people looking for domains seized in recent ICE cases. The plugin […]

  2. […] even a plugin specifically designed to help people looking for domains seized in recent ICE cases. The plugin […]

  3. […] even a plugin specifically designed to help people looking for domains seized in recent ICE cases. The plugin […]

  4. […] even a plugin specifically designed to help people looking for domains seized in recent ICE cases. The plugin […]

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