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DNS is sexy? Dyn thinks so

Kevin Murphy, April 8, 2010, 00:06:50 (UTC), Domain Services

Dynamic Network Services has launched a marketing campaign aimed at convincing people that DNS is “sexy”.
The company, which provides managed DNS services as, evidently has its tongue in its cheek, but has plastered the “DNS is Sexy” slogan across its web site anyway.
It has even registered to bounce users to its corporate pages.
There’s a list of ten reasons why this frankly bizarre proposition might be true, including:

7. Standard features like DNSSEC on our Dynect Platform defend you from would be cyber criminals that want to steal your important information online. Bye bye identity theft!

Feeling sexy yet? Me neither.
How about:

9. Recursive DNS like our free Internet Guide, can protect your family and friends from unwanted Web content with customized defense plans.

Feeling sexy now? No?
Still, Go Daddy managed to mainstream domain name registration by incorporating boobs quite heavily in its TV campaigns, and everybody is interested in the ongoing and .xxx sagas, so it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that Dyn could do the same for managed DNS.
To be honest, I can’t quite visualise it.
Dyn is asking people to tweet their reasons why DNS is “sexy” including the hashtag #dnsissexy. I’ve done mine.

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Comments (2)

  1. Chris Widner says:

    Don’t expect us to go the GoDaddy route. Here’s a quote from the press release that should explain what we’re talking about:
    “Just because this is an extremely specialized, technical and back-end focused industry, doesn’t mean we have to take ourselves too seriously,” said Dyn Inc., CEO, Jeremy Hitchcock. “We’ve been working to improve and innovate this technology for a long time, and we absolutely believe that making things work better, faster and more securely is sexy.”
    Sexy to us is getting a slick new piece of hardware or having a sweet home network setup. A Global Server Load Balancing solution used by customers who want to distribute application load between datacenters around the globe, via rule sets with weighted or geo-targeted definitions is slick and sexy.
    A CDN Manager that allows customers to geographically or weighted load balance amongst CNAME’s from different CDN’s, used for both cost and performance reasons is slick and sexy.

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