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Demand Media in rumored IPO

Kevin Murphy, April 16, 2010, 12:06:27 (UTC), Domain Registrars

Demand Media, which owns number-two domain registrar eNom, could file to go public this summer, the Financial Times has reported.
Widely thought of as a “content mill”, Demand is in the business of mining search and domain data and pumping out content which it can sell ads against.
The FT, using anonymous sources, reports that an IPO, which could happen by November, would value the firm at $1.5 billion. Revenue is estimated to be around $250 million a year.
While selling domain names does not appear to be Demand’s core business, other domain name registrars have a rocky record when it comes to public listings., which used its early-mover advantage to IPO at the tail end of the dot-com boom, ended up going private after low-cost registrars like Go Daddy started eating its lunch.
Go Daddy itself gave the world a glimpse at its finances when it filed its S-1 back in 2006, but CEO Bob Parsons yanked the IPO at the eleventh hour, citing poor market conditions and his inability to keep his mouth shut during the traditional pre-offering Quiet Period.
Parsons said at the time that it’s hard to show a profit under GAAP as a growing registrar, due to the way registrations are accounted for.
Tucows, meanwhile, has managed to tick along quietly with a listing on the small-cap markets for years.

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