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Four action sports gTLDs fall off a cliff

Kevin Murphy, May 23, 2012, 11:51:57 (UTC), Domain Registries

Adrenaline TLD has confirmed that it no longer plans to apply to ICANN for the sport-themed top-level domains .surf, .skate, .bike and .board.
The news was implicit in the announcement from Starting Dot that it has partnered with Adrenaline for .ski earlier this week, but the company today confirmed as much.
In a statement this morning, Adrenaline’s Rob Rozicki said:

Although we are not filing applications for the remaining four TLD’s in this application window we will investigate bringing them to the market in the next round of applications. However if you are an applicant for any of our other TLD’s please contact us to see how we can work together to help the action sports community.

Rozicki is also working with Starting Dot’s marketing agency, the newly formed DomainDicition, as head of North American online marketing.
The .ski project can be found at Its Twitter handle is @dot_ski.

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Comments (3)

  1. John Smith says:

    Good to see competing applicants starting to work together. No one wins in a true contention race.

  2. Tom G says:

    I never really thought those strings would gain a lot of traction in this round.
    dot-ski has a more widespread and global audience.
    Good move.

  3. Peter Garrett says:

    So Adrenaline and Starting Dot got a whole bunch of exposure, for what? My guess it was never their intention to apply. Well played guys, well played.

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