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.CO Internet scores TechCrunch marketing coup with

Kevin Murphy, May 24, 2010, 13:10:38 (UTC), Domain Registries

The newly relaunched .co domain has won itself a whole bunch of free publicity by signing up TechCrunch to its Founders Program.
The tech news blog will use the domain as part of its startup conference of the same name that kicks off today.
The web site will host “Startup Battlefield”, a competition during TechCrunch Disrupt for new companies and services.
.CO Internet is marketing Colombia’s .co ccTLD as a generic. The launch is currently in its trademark sunrise period, with registrations opening to other registrants next month.
Its Founders Program is a marketing scheme designed to get the word out about the availability of .co domains. Few partners could be as useful to this end as TechCrunch.
Founders get a free premium domain if they promise to promote it properly. CO Internet is still looking for more partners, with applications closing June 15.
I expect, currently parked, will also be getting a lot of traffic today.

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Comments (3)

  1. […] Internet did a similar thing with .co, issuing one-character names to the likes of Go Daddy and Twitter. Other registries have […]

  2. […] conference used the domain to promote its Startup Battlefield competition in May […]

  3. […] conference used the domain to promote its Startup Battlefield competition in May […]

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