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The Hunger Games is first to use a .movie domain

Kevin Murphy, June 9, 2015, 16:17:30 (UTC), Domain Registries

Donuts has signed up an impressive anchor tenant for its upcoming .movie gTLD in the form of The Hunger Games series of movies. is one of just a handful of domains in .movie, which is currently pre-sunrise, indicating that it’s a deal Donuts has negotiated directly with the film distributors.
The Hunger Games is a series of inexplicably successful science fiction adventure films, starring Jennifer Lawrence, popular with teenagers.
The first movie in the series fetched a whopping $691 million in box office receipts.
A trailer for the fourth and final movie in the series was released today, and it’s the first to carry a .movie domain.
Hunger Games
You’ll notice that the Facebook and Twitter addresses and suggested hashtags take precedence over the domain, but that’s understandable given the target demographic.
For Donuts, it’s just about the best anchor tenant it could have hoped for — a mass-market popcorn movie aimed directly at the people who will be buying their own domains in a few years.
People in the movie business will no doubt notice also, which in the short term could be more important. Sunrise starts next week.
Here’s the trailer.

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Comments (9)

  1. CONGRATULATIONS Donuts team! A fantastic launch to what will be a very successful and resonant TLD.

  2. Martin says:

    Yes…this dot film extension is gunna be good!!!

  3. This is amazing, however I note that .movie is not yet through its 90 day controlled interruption period. How are you able to have this name resolving / working when nothing is supposed to be published in the zone file besides the collision records and nic. If there is a loophole please let the community know so that we can all make use of it. Perhaps if you have a certain number of TLDs ICANN will allow you to govern yourself. Either way it seems Donuts may be making a ‘mockingjay’ of the name collisions process (perhaps rightly so). It would be a pity if ICANN had to take this down, given the exposure it has gained.

    • Phil Buckingham says:

      No loophole. Each TLD is allowed to reserve 100 for anchor tenants / promotional purposes pre launch . Congrats Donuts.

      • Adrian Kinderis says:

        Actually Phil, that is not correct. Whilst an RO can indeed allocate 100 names at anytime those names are still not exempt from the ‘no names activated in the DNS’ rule that applies during the name collision period. So either Donuts has made a mistake, found a loophole or is ignoring the rules. Either way, at Katniss said, and explanation from donuts or ICANN would be good.
        I hope you aren’t offering this type of consulting to your clients Phil. 🙂

        • Richard Funden says:

          Probably a misinterpretation of the rules. Technically a violation, but no harm done, eh?

          • Rubens Kuhl says:

            Where one’s competitors abide by a rule that makes their marketing efforts harder and one does not, there is harm.

        • Phil Buckingham says:

          Thanks Adrian, Apologises Katniss. I stand corrected. It appears many of us are struggling , including ICANN compliance , to keep up to date as ICANN moves the goal posts again and again . Is it no surprise that more and more TLDs are a .FAIL. We@ Dot Advice continue to provide strategic and financial consulting advice, stats analysis and reports as per our zone file requests/ access. ps Adrian, Now that Captain Chehade is jumping ship I hope u are going to apply as the new CEO . See u in BA.

  4. Nisha says:

    .movie is still high priced Tld, if they offer it below $50, they may have 10x registrations.
    Bollywood and other film industry may jump in the band of .movie.

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