ICANN Ombudsman let go as role comes up for review
ICANN’s Ombudsman, Chris LaHatte, has been told his services are no longer needed.
His current contract expires July 27, but he’s been informed that it will not be renewed.
No reason has been given for the move.
Herb Waye, who took the role on an interim basis in 2011 after the departure of former Ombusdman Frank Fowlie, will step in again while ICANN looks for a permanent replacement.
LaHatte will continue on as an adviser during the transition.
The decision to replace LaHatte comes as the ICANN community begins on so-called Work Stream 2 of the IANA transition process, which includes a review of the role of the Ombudsman in ICANN’s power structure.
The Ombudsman’s job is currently to adjudicate on matters of fairness in ICANN’s activities.
He or she reports to the board and any advice given is non-binding.
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