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.autos priced waaay below its XYZ rivals

Kevin Murphy, June 3, 2021, 06:36:55 (UTC), Domain Registries

When tied up the automotive gTLD market by bringing .car, .cars, .auto and .autos into its portfolio last year, I speculated that a big price increase may be on the cards for .autos. I was wrong.

The registry has in fact dropped its wholesale prices by quite a lot, keeping .autos domains a fraction of the cost of their stable-brothers and competitive with .com.

XYZ said yesterday that the recommended retail price for .autos will be around $20 per year, compared to the $100 under previous owner Dominion.

The new pricing comes into effect June 14.

By contrast, .auto, .cars and .car continue to be priced at around $2,000 per year at the cheaper registrars. At others your renewal fee could be as high as $4,000.

The pricing makes .autos a much more affordable choice for the likes of smaller car dealerships and garages, as well as an option for domain investors not scared away by the risky world of new gTLDs.

Under Dominion, .autos never broke through the 500 domains under management mark. Its three siblings all have roughly 300 names in their zones, with a leaning towards corporate registrar sales.

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Comments (3)

  1. Snoopy says:

    Even for a New TLD this is pretty bad, is “autos” even a word? I have never heard of this plural.

    I would say it is way overpriced at $20, the correct market is probably as a 2 cent spam TLD.

  2. Anthony Mitchell says:

    Autos refers to motorized rickshaws in South Asia.

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