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Hey, domainers, watch Frank Schilling tell you why ICANN is cool

Kevin Murphy, October 11, 2012, 21:07:22 (UTC), Domain Policy

I think this is the first time I’ve seen noted domainer Frank Schilling appearing in an ICANN-related video.
It was produced by Google during ICANN’s meeting in Prague a few months ago, and published on YouTube this week.
Alongside many familiar faces from the ICANN-policy-wonk side of the industry, you’ll also see Schilling, who is of course behind portfolio gTLD applicant Uniregistry, telling you:

What I like about ICANN is just that: it’s not controlled by anyone, yet it’s controlled by you. You control it just by contributing to the process. And it’s open to anyone in any language, anywhere in the world

I think the video pretty much nails it.
ICANN 45 starts in Toronto, Canada this weekend. You don’t need to be there to get involved.

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Comments (2)

  1. Scott Pinzon says:

    Wow, that’s a terrific summary of what’s good about ICANN. The spokespeople were chosen well.
    Meanwhile, I am forming my own little conspiracy theory here. Just checking: has anyone ever seen Quentin Tarantino and Frank Schilling in the same room at the same time?

  2. Jean Guillon says:

    It would have made sense to have these people to express themselves in their own language: just 1 spoke French, the rest spoke English.

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