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Go Daddy launches paid YouTube clone

Kevin Murphy, June 2, 2010, 20:14:55 (UTC), Domain Registrars

Go Daddy has opened the doors of, a video-hosting service with a difference.
The difference is you have to pay for it.
The company seems to be banking on the idea that users will be happy to hand over $2 per month, rather than use YouTube for free, because has simpler password protection.
“People want privacy online, it’s obvious from the all of the recent news,” chief executive Bob Parsons said in a press release. “YouTube has been the place for mass-consumption videos, but for sharing more personal items, it’s way too complicated.”
Most of the recent news about online privacy has been focused on Facebook. I don’t think I’ve seen many people complaining about YouTube.
Still, at the very least the service is a high-profile use of a .me domains, which could help Go Daddy as a partner in Domen, the Montenegro-based .me registry.

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  1. […] of’s selling points when it launched was the ability to privately share videos, so I guess it’s possible that there’s a […]

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