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First seven TMCH agents approved

Kevin Murphy, April 2, 2013, 16:18:43 (UTC), Domain Services

The Trademark Clearinghouse has listed its first seven approved trademark submission agents.
These are the companies that are able to secure bulk discounts for submitted marks to the TMCH.
The first seven are NetNames, Corporation Service Company, SafeNames, MailClub, Key-Systems, Net-Chinese, which are all domain registrars too, and the Law Offices of S.J. Christine Yang, which isn’t.
Holders of large trademark portfolios are also allowed to become agents in their own right, but most TMCH submissions are expected to be carried out via these third parties.
The full list is here.
The cost of submitting trademarks, if you’re an agent, can be worked out using the TMCH Cost Calculator.

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Comments (2)

  1. Tom Barrett says:

    I think you saw the website while they in the process of adding agents. There are 12 listed now.
    Including our TMCH portal, TM.Biz, which is neither a registrar or a law firm.
    It will be interesting to see how the TMCH is regarded by trademark lawyers and brand owners: is it more like a Patent & Trademark Office or a Domain Name Registry?

  2. John Berryhill says:

    “It will be interesting to see how the TMCH is regarded by trademark lawyers”
    Pretty much about the same way an approaching hurricane is regarded by roofing contractors and plywood vendors.

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