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SnapNames acquired by

Kevin Murphy, March 3, 2014, 15:23:57 (UTC), Domain Registrars has acquired domain name dropcatcher SnapNames for an undisclosed sum, according to press releases from it and former owner KeyDrive, confirming reports from Friday. said the deal will be “immaterial” to its 2014 financial results.
The Nasdaq-listed company already owns leading registrars Network Solutions and It’s also a new gTLD applicant, one of many companies having applied for .web.
KeyDrive acquired SnapNames, along with the registrar Moniker, from in 2012.
Just last week KeyDrive announced that Moniker, which with SnapNames had been managed by Craig Snyder, was getting a new CEO in the form of Key-Systems exec Bonnie Wittenberg.

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Comments (3)

  1. Louise says:

    Hi Kev, When I cruised to to find its terms on domain registrations, they were deep into the registration process, with print you have to zoom on to see.

    “cybersquatting” (i.e., obtaining the a domain name merely to attempt to sell the rights to the domain name or subdomain to some third party).

    Then later, the terms state:

    This Agreement, as well as any additional terms and conditions, rules, policies, and service agreements, together with all modifications thereto, constitute the entire agreement between you and concerning your use of the Services and any other subject matter related to this Agreement, and supersedes and governs all prior proposals, agreements or other communications between you and (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of this Agreement). Customer may not waive, modify or supplement this Agreement, in whole or in part, except for written permission or amendment by reserves the right to unilaterally modify and revise the Agreement from time to time. Such modifications or revisions shall be provided to Customer via the Notice provisions set forth in Section 19 below (Notice), and Customer shall be deemed to have accepted, and to be apprised of and bound by, any such modifications or revisions to the Agreement.

    I posted this concern in a couple blogs. This is Acro’s response:

    Louise – Perhaps the language of those terms sounds threatening but it’s legalese to protect the registrar from lawsuits; after all, the problem of true cybersquatting still exists.

    i like to read terms. it’s imperative to read what you agree to – but, maybe I’m old-fashioned, that way . . . no places did I see cybersquatting defined as, “obtaining the a domain name merely to attempt to sell the rights to the domain name . . . to some third party.”
    Why would any domain investor want to have anything to do with

    • Kevin Murphy says:

      The stuff about the company having the unilateral right to amend the agreement you’ll find in most registrars’ Ts&Cs, I’d imagine. It’s probably in every EULA you’ve clicked through, too.
      The definition of cybersquatting does look wrong though, I’ll give you that.

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