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.club first new gTLD to sell 100,000 domains

Kevin Murphy, August 29, 2014, 13:24:21 (UTC), Domain Registries

.club hit a landmark this week with its 100,000th domain name registration, according to .CLUB Domains.
It’s the first new gTLD to get to this level of success without giving away names for free — .xyz and .berlin have over 460,000 and 130,000 names respectively but fall under 100k if you factor out the freebies.
The .club zone file showed 98,984 names (excluding swelling from the name collisions program) last night, and it’s been growing at steady rate of roughly 250-300 names per day.
It appears that there are 1,000 or so names that do not appear in the zone file, perhaps because they’re not configured yet.
.club hit general availability May 7, 114 days ago.

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