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Brewers Association backs .beer

Kevin Murphy, September 26, 2014, 08:40:05 (UTC), Domain Registries

Continuing its strategy of getting well-known anchor tenants involved in its new gTLD launches, Minds + Machines has recruited the Brewers Association to back its just-launched .beer.
The BA represents over 2,300 independent breweries in the US, according to its web site.
.beer hit general availability yesterday. Due to delays with ICANN’s zone file publishing system this morning I can’t yet bring you the first-day figures for the TLD.
The launch was timed to coincide with the Great American Beer Festival in Denver, Colorado.
Two weeks ago, M+M launched .country with backing from music legend Dolly Parton, who claimed,,, and
If nothing else, the endorsement reminded non-Americans that .country is supposed to relate to music, not geography.

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