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Donuts sells millionth domain name

Kevin Murphy, October 13, 2014, 16:09:17 (UTC), Domain Registries

Donuts today sold its millionth domain name, according to a company press release.
The name, according to Donuts, was
I’m not saying wasn’t the one millionth name, but I reckon that if the one millionth name had been, I’d still be looking at a press release talking about this afternoon.
Donuts is obviously the first company to hit this target. It owns the largest portfolio of new gTLDs by a considerable margin.
The company has 150 delegated gTLDs, 140 of which are in general availability.

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Comments (3)

  1. Greg Shatan says:

    Ironic that the 1 millionth Donuts domain name appears to be a form of cybersquatting. My immediate reaction was “Chock Full O’ Nuts,” which has been “The Heavenly Coffee” since 1953 (and has two trademark registrations containing “heavenly coffee”).. The registrant is a company in Hoboken, New Jersey, which appears to be iin some business related to waterproof roofing. Their interest in coffee (heavenly or not) remains obscure. I look forward to seeing what brews at this site.

  2. cowabunga says:

    Is ntldstats 413k registrations out?

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