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Schwartz sells for $8.9 million

Kevin Murphy, February 3, 2015, 16:55:31 (UTC), Domain Sales

The domain name has changed hands for $8,888,888, making it the fourth highest-value domain to be sold.
The seller is domain investor Rick Schwartz, notorious for owning lots of category-killer domains but hardly ever selling them. The buyer is WGCZ, a Prague-based company.
According to DN Journal, the sale is the fourth biggest ticket domain to be sold in an all-cash deal.
Schwartz bought the domain for $42,000 in 1997 from a college student who had acquired it the previous week for $5,000, according to a press release.
He said he’s made over $10 million from the domain with pay-per-click sales or redirecting traffic to other porn sites.
The related domain sold for $9.5 million in 2007. The highest-value deal to date is, selling for $13 million in 2010. The only non-porn domain to sell for more is, which fetched $9,999,950.

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Comments (2)

  1. Acro says:

    Porn King dot com 😀

  2. Acro says:

    Oops, make that Porno King dot com.

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